Why We Do What We Do: A Note from Our Founder

For the past decade, Smart Solutions has had the privilege of serving individuals with disabilities in multiple age groups as well as increasing awareness about smart home technology for persons with disabilities. As we strive daily to fulfill our mission of providing life-changing technologies for the individuals we serve, I am often asked why I do what I do. 

At the age of ten, I had a cerebral hemorrhage, which led to temporary paralysis and vision deficits. I was very fortunate to make a full recovery, but I know from that experience how challenging it can be to live in an environment that does not include assistive technology. I know I’m dating myself here, but this happened before remote controls were even available for televisions. 

Thirty years later, I had another cerebral hemorrhage. However, with assistive technology, the experience was completely different. During my recovery, technology allowed me to easily control my lighting, climate, window shades, and more. I was amazed at the autonomy it provided me and at how it lessened my reliance on a caregiver. It was then that I made the decision to change directions and dedicate my life and business to repurposing technology to help those with physical disabilities.

My personal experiences have forever shaped my life. I have dedicated my business solely to serving people with disabilities, and I am passionate about the benefits that smart home technology can provide to them. I believe that my personal experiences help me to better understand the barriers our clients face every day. I believe that the use of technology supports can transform the long-term care model and promote community-based care for the people we serve. I feel blessed to be able to share what I have learned and to help others in need.

At Smart Solutions, our commitment is steadfast and strong, as is our belief that your only limitation is your imagination.

Kevin Braswell

CEO, Smart Solutions

Emma Bolden